by Bob Hollis | Aug 31, 2020 | RMDZ, WasteDive
Proponents say AB 2959 would clarify a loophole allowing smaller haulers to undercut franchise agreements and hinder progress toward state diversion targets. Critics said it would hurt the state’s efforts to curb organic waste. Read...
by Bob Hollis | Aug 30, 2020 | #RecyclingToday, News Feeds, RMDZ
U.S.-based The Recycling Partnership and U.K.-based Ellen MacArthur Foundation among those seeking 100 percent plastic packaging recyclability. Read...
by Bob Hollis | Aug 29, 2020 | News Feeds, RMDZ, Waste360
The COVID-19 pandemic has made consumers re-evaluate their wardrobes and the fashion industry is listening. It turns out greenhouse gas emissions from textile and clothing factories has reached 1.2 billion tons per year and the impact on the environm Read...
by Bob Hollis | Aug 28, 2020 | News Feeds, RMDZ, Waste360
Few pros in the recycling industry will say it’s impossible to recycle glass. But many questions remain about this practice, from how glass impacts contamination of the rest of the stream to whether there’s money to be made in working with glass. Wi Read...
by Bob Hollis | Aug 27, 2020 | #RecyclingToday, RMDZ
The association’s position encourages use of recycled plastics in manufacturing of new goods. Read...